Safety of GFR through innovative materials, technologies and processes


This action is aimed at the development and technical assessment of safety improvements of Generation-IV systems and their supporting reactor islands, as identified by the SNETP European Sustainable Nuclear Industrial Initiative and the GIF R&D outlook. This can include inter alia the study, modelling and numerical simulation, verification, validation and licensing aspects of core safety parameters, thermal-hydraulics of coolants and liquid fuels, compatibility of structural materials and components with coolants or liquid fuels, reliability of automatic and passive shutdown systems, diversified residual heat removal systems, improved strategy of confinement modes, mitigation of severe accident behaviour, instrumentation for safety, in-service inspection and repair of safety-related components, as well as seismic studies. Safety of different fuel and fuel cycle options is within scope, including MOX driver fuel, multiple recycling of plutonium and use of low-enriched uranium. These safety improvements will need to be reviewed by the EU scientific community. Whenever needed, standardisation bodies at national and EU levels might be involved, in view of building up and updating EU technical code and standards for Generation-IV systems to be used as the reference to demonstrate any compliance with the Euratom Nuclear Safety Directive.

Základní informace k projektu:

  • Typ projektu: evropský
  • Poskytovatel: Evropská komise
  • Program: H20 – Horizon 2020
  • Hlavní řešitel: VÚJE, a.s.
  • Partneři projektu: 15 subjektů (EU, Velká Británie, Japonsko)
  • Číslo projektu: 945041
  • Období řešení projektu: 1. 7. 2020 – 30. 6. 2024